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Welfare Ambassadors

Welcome to the Welfare Ambassadors page!

The Wellbeing Ambassadors are representatives who have been elected by their classmates in order to work together to develop well-being across the school. They have a particular focus on anti-bullying, mental health and online safety. The main duties of the Welfare Ambassadors is:

  • There will be an agenda (points to discuss) at every meeting.
  • The duty of each class representative is to discuss and collect the ideas of the class and then share them at the next Welfare Ambassadors meeting.
  • We write a record of each meeting and draw up actions.
  • Each member has a vote.

Our goal:

  • Ensuring that everyone is happy within the School community
  • Sharing positive and inspiring messages with parents and the Dolbadarn community

Objectives of Wellness Ambassadors:

  • Promote attendance (school target of 95%)
  • Assist and organize Wellbeing Monday (Llun Lles) morning activities
  • Organizing key days in the school's welfare calendar e.g. anti-bullying
  • Collect evidence and implement the Gwynedd Healthy Schools Plan.
school children as welfare ambassadors